Exciting News From Marlene — Announcing The Launch Of LessonGram.com

Portrait of LessonGram Founder Marlene Cooper-Williams

December 22, 2020 (original post date)

Hello Everyone:

As some of you already know, I’ve been hard at work creating a new educational business for academics. Naturally, my love of music and teaching my private students will never change for me. However, during this Covid crisis, I have spoken to and observed my students and their families on how difficult things have been. Most of the challenges have been in dealing with the children’s educational needs. So, having all this vast experience in creating and operating education companies over the past 50 years, brought me to the decision of stepping up to create LESSONGRAM.COM.

Yesterday, October 22nd, we officially launched Lessongram. We have begun this wonderful and highly needed journey with Conejo Deals. Most of you already know this website where you can purchase services and products for a very desirable and affordable price. So, I’m letting you know that, if you’re needing a little help for homework support or more, we can be there for you.

The staff that we've just hired is truly impressive. They range in age, accomplishments, personalities, etc. Like Heritage Home Conservatory, that you all know so well, we do a matching process to make sure the kids are getting just the right tutor. Actually if you go to our website, www.lessongram.com you will find a free assessment. You can take it yourself or you can let the kids take it. However, we also have an additional survey for the children. Most importantly, we make sure we know your child’s learning style. However, I already know that - LOL

Also, I have assembled an administrative team and partnership very knowledgeable in academic tutoring to create this wonderful new company. Please visit our website and read all about a few of us.

Now, I know most of you have this under control for your families. However, if you see a need for a little additional help, or you know of others who are struggling, I would be so deeply grateful for the referrals. You can feel free to purchase through Conejo Deals or directly from us for an insanely affordable price.

