The Path Is Clear

Today has been a real eye opener for me. Have you ever had a vision or instinct that you know will take you in the right direction but not exactly sure what steps to take to get there? Well, that's me!!! I have been an educator for so many years, busy building education businesses addressing the needs of mainstream students. However, over the past 15 months, I started seeing the horrific effects on all levels of education, mostly on K-12 children in all subjects, certainly due to Covid and virtual education. Teacher, parents and students were scrambling to figure out how to deal with the problems that occurred and now we are really seeing how profound the problems were and how they will affect students for some time to come.

In the last few days, as we begin preparing children to return to in-person learning at schools all across this country, I've had several opportunities to speak to parents looking for tutoring help. I am so saddened at what I'm hearing from everyone. The stories are the same!. Children with serious holes in their learning, children with screen fatigue from being in a classroom with too many others and completely loosing interest and focus and I could go on and on. Parents are deeply worried and floundering a bit to figure out how they can help get the kids on track. Then, in discussions with our Lessongram staff of administrators and tutors, we are trying to find the way to reach the children, keeping them engaged and excited about learning. It's clearly a daunting task, but an approachable, achievable and a highly do-able task.

The whole world has been through so much loss, sadness and frustration in the past several months. We can either sit back, throw up our hands and succumb to all the negativity, or we can all rally together to gain the strength and determination to help the young people in our world. We must believe in fixing the education problems, not buying into political and useless pressures that confuse issues and take us off the track. I will personally continue trying to help one family at a time, one student at a time thereby allowing one success at a time.

~Marlene Cooper-Williams is the Founder and CEO of LessonGram.